Image Review Software
ViewStation7 DICOM Viewing Software Features
- Optimized for Windows7 64 bits
- Runs under the following 32-bit or 64-bit Windows OS: Windows 7 (Business or Ultimate), Windows Vista (Professional or Ultimate), Windows XP Professional
- DICOM Storage Service Class Provider (can receive images directly from modalities, PACS, or any other entity serving as a DICOM Storage Service Class User)
- DICOM Query/Retrieve (can query a remote device directly to locate and download images)
Display Features
- Hanging protocols are fully customizable
- Scout/reference lines are configurable
- Mouse Right Click provides fast access to tools
- Adjust the image window and level, or choose a window/ level preset. For nuclear medicine, invert or add false color to the image by changing the color lookup table.
- True Cine Display and Control - set the frame rate and direction of a cine study
- Auto cine for motion series
- Multiple CLUTs per screen
- Image Flip & Rotate
- Define layout on the fly
- Tabbed display pages
- Hotkeys and context-generated popup menus
- Maximizes screen real estate for image display
- Rapidly scroll forwards and backwards through a series of static images with the stack command.
- Compare images from multiple series, or old and new studies, or even two different patients.
- Manipulate a single image, or lock the controls to adjust an entire series of images.
Data Management
- Fully annotated database
- Mark studies as read
- Can display unread studies only
- Series oriented
- Accommodates more than 1000 images per series
- Customizable columns
- Can be sorted by any column or combination of columns
- Native DICOM file format
- Drag/drop onto the app window or double-click to select
- Display multiple exams, series, or patients
- Burn studies to CD
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